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Behavioural Optometry
About: About Me


You may have heard of behavioural Optometry, and even been recommended to see a behavioural Optometrist, but what exactly makes it different from other Optometrists?  Many people think that if you can read the eye chart well then you have good vision, and that's the end of the story.  But Behavioural Optometrists take a more wholistic approach, with the thinking that there's more to vision than just how well you can see.  Behavioural Optometrists treat not just vision, but the whole visual system.


Your eyes are linked very closely with the other senses, and your brain is very good at taking lots of sensory information and processing it incredibly quickly.  Vision should be the dominant sense, so if  there's an area where vision is lacking it can affect the sensory processing, which in turn can affect the motor outcome.  By treating and optimising vision as a whole process, including peripheral awareness, visual spatial skills, visual memory and more, it can lead to an increase in efficiency in tasks such as reading, writing, driving, sports and increased eye-hand co-ordination.  Gemma, as a Behavioural Optometrist, can do an assessment and may recommend Vision Therapy if she believes your visual system would benefit


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